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John Helmer FLPI is a communications expert specialising in digital industries and emerging technologies, particularly in the fields of learning and education. His career includes many years working with and for organisations including Lumesse, Capita, Epic, LINE, Semantico, Towards Maturity, Ufi/learndirect, Kineo, Willow DNA, Learning Light and Futuremedia.

At Lumesse Learning he created and produced the influential Curve Magazine and Learning Lounge events. At LINE he helped to develop the vision of Learning Architectures and The New Learning Organisation. At Epic he edited more than forty white papers and pioneered Think Tanks Dinners to bring practitioners in e-learning together. At Academy Internet, he pioneered in digital marketing, helping to create and promote many training courses on using the internet for marketing and business.

John Helmer has created and developed many Thought Leadership programmes on behalf of corporates, not-for-profits and public bodies. He is an active blogger and editor, and has written numerous articles (including articles for peer-reviewed journals) and white papers relating to the learning and publishing industries.

He is also a published novelist and columnist, has been on Top of Pops, and won a Perrier Award.

John has great breadth and depth of knowledge and experience in Human Capital Management, as born-out in the times we worked together and his publications in the field. A respected professional and great to work with.

Steven Hill, ADSO

John is a great marketing professional with an in-depth understanding of what makes marketing work in a digital age.

Steve Rayson, Kineo

Best e-learning marketing person in the business.

Donald Clark, board member Cogbooks, LearningPool, Ufi Charitable Trust
Years in marketing
Years in digital
Happy clients
Cups of Coffee